We do not stop here; we are also invested in reviewing & optimizing equipment quality and output for our customers.
We realize that in our domain there is no one – size – fits- all solution. We, therefore, make every effort to customize our approach & solutions to match our clients’ requirements.
Free Consultation
Our experience combined with our dedication to providing outstanding customer service and quality projects, has helped us become a leader in transformer build and repair.
(+91) 9076603195 / 9076603200
To ensure that our products are of the best possible quality, we rely on first class equipment installed in our production facility. We have developed a Modern Test Laboratory to perform routine, type and special tests on Power Transformers up to 50 MVA and 132 KV class, Locomotive Transformers and single phase Traction Transformers.
Deokali Road Ayodhya (U.P) - 224011
We offer Free Consultation Services to also double-up as Knowledge Partners for our client businesses.